Shape-preserving projections in low-dimensional settings and the <i>q </i>-monotone case
Let P:X→V be a projection from a real Banach space X onto a subspace V and let S⊂X. In this setting, one can ask if S is left invariant under P, i.e., if PS⊂S. If V is finite-dimensional and S is a cone with particular structure, then the occurrence of the imbedding PS⊂S can be characterized through a geometric description. This characterization relies heavily on the structure of S, or, more specifically, on the structure of the cone S∗ dual to S. In this paper, шє remove the structural assumptions on S∗ and characterize the cases where PS⊂S. We note that the (so-called) q-monotone shape forms a cone which (lacks structure and thus) serves as an application for our characterization.
How to Cite
Prophet, M. P., and I. A. Shevchuk. “Shape-Preserving Projections in Low-Dimensional Settings and the <i>q </I>-Monotone Case”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 64, no. 5, May 2012, pp. 674-8,
Research articles