Major topics of interest
Please choose the section and the editor, which are most close to the topic of your article. It is necessary to provide us with this information in a Cover Letter during the submission of the manuscript.
Yuriy Drozd
Representation theory and its applications in algebraic geometry and topology
Vyacheslav Futorny
Lie algebras, representation theory
Yaroslav Sysak
Group theory, associative rings and nearrings
Differential equations & Dynamical Systems
Igor Parasyuk
Ordinary differential equations, nonlinear dynamics
Viktor Tkachenko
Ordinary differential equations, difference equations, integro-differential equations
Sergei Trofimchuk
Functional differential equations, dynamical systems
Geometry & Topology, Fractals
Sergiy Maksymenko
Geometric, algebraic and differential topology, dynamical systems, singularities theory
Volodymyr Mykhaylyuk
General topology
Yuri Nikolayevsky
Differential geometry, Lie theory, graph theory
Mykola Pratsiovytyi
Metric and fractal theories of numbers, fractal geometry and fractal analysis,
singular functions and singular measures, self-similar (auto-modeling) and nowhere differentiable functions
Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and PDEs
Alexandra Antoniouk
Nonlinear PDEs, infinite-dimensional analysis
Anatoly Kochubei
Non-Archimedean analysis, fractional calculus, nonlocal operators
Vladimir Mikhailets
Partial and ordinary differential equations, operator theory, spectral problems
Vasyl Ostrovskyi
Representations of operator relations, operator algebras
Lyudmila Turowska
Functional analysis, abstract harmonic analysis, operator algebras
Function Theory
Igor Shevchuk
Theory of functions, approximation theory
Sergiy Plaksa
Complex and hypercomplex analysis, boundary value problems for analytic functions and singular integral equations
Danylo Radchenko
Modular forms, algebraic number theory, convex and discrete geometry, combinatorics, approximation theory and Fourier analysis
Anatolii Romanyuk
Best m-term approximation, widths, entropy numbers
Mathematical Physics
Anatoly Nikitin
Integrable systems, symmetries of partial differential equations, supersymmetry
Dmitri Finkelshtein
Interacting particle systems, infinite-dimensional analysis, nonlocal kinetic equations
Roman Popovych
Group analysis of differential equations, Lie algebras
Alexei Rebenko
Mathematical problems of quantum field theory and statistical mechanics
Numerical and Applied Mathematics
Volodymyr Makarov
Numerical functional analysis, special functions
Sergei Pereverzyev
Regularization theory, information-based complexity, inverse problems, machine learning
Sergei Solodky
Information-based complexity theory, Ill-posed problems, convergence analysis for numerical methods
Vitalii Vasylyk
Computational mathematics, numerical functional analysis
Probability and Statistics
Andrey Dorogovtsev
General theory of stochastic processes, stochastic analysis, stochastic interacting systems, stochastic ordinary and partial differential equations, probability in abstract spaces
Andrey Pilipenko
Probability theory, stochastic processes
Georgii Riabov
Stochastic flows, random dynamical systems, Gaussian stochastic processes, probability distributions on infinite-dimensional spaces