On the Growth of the Maximum of the Modulus of an Entire Function on a Sequence

  • P. V. Filevych


Let M f(r) and μf(r) be, respectively, the maximum of the modulus and the maximum term of an entire function f and let Φ be a continuously differentiable function convex on (−∞, +∞) and such that x = o(Φ(x)) as x → +∞. We establish that, in order that the equality \(\lim \inf \limits_{r \to + \infty} \frac{\ln M_f (r)}{\Phi (\ln r)} = \lim \inf \limits_{r \to + \infty} \frac{\ln \mu_f (r)}{\Phi (\ln r)}\) be true for any entire function f, it is necessary and sufficient that ln Φ′(x) = o(Φ(x)) as x → +∞.
How to Cite
Filevych, P. V. “On the Growth of the Maximum of the Modulus of an Entire Function on a Sequence”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 54, no. 8, Aug. 2002, pp. 1149-53, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/4154.
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