On ascending and subnormal subgroups of infinite factorized groups
We consider an almost hyper-Abellan group G of a finite Abelian sectional rank that is the product of two subgroups A and B. We prove that every subgroup H that belongs to the intersection A ∩ B and is ascending both in A and B is also an ascending subgroup in the group G. We also show that, in the general case, this statement is not true.
How to Cite
De, G. F., Y. P. Sysak, and S. Franclosi. “On Ascending and Subnormal Subgroups of Infinite Factorized Groups”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 49, no. 6, June 1997, pp. 842–848, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/5070.
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