On the relations between some approaches to solving the Kirkwood – Salzburg equations

  • A. L. Rebenko Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv


UDC 517.9

This work is almost a review describing the solutions of Kirkwood – Salsburg equations for correlation functions of a large canonical ensemble. We establish analytical relations between Ruelle’s operator approach described in detail in [Статистическая механика. Строгие результаты, Мир, Москва (1971)] and the approach by Minlos and Poghosyan presented in [Оценки функций Урселла, групповых функций и их производных, Теор. и мат. физика, 31, № 2, 199 – 213 (1977)]. Using methods of infinite-dimensional analysis, we suggest a more transparent description of the main results.


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How to Cite
RebenkoA. L. “On the Relations Between Some Approaches to Solving the Kirkwood – Salzburg Equations”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 73, no. 3, Mar. 2021, pp. 381 -94, doi:10.37863/umzh.v73i3.6337.
Research articles