Picone’s identity for $\Delta_{\gamma}$-Laplace operator and its applications

  • D. T. Luyen Hoa Lu Univ., Ninh Nhat, Vietnam
Keywords: $\Delta_{\gamma}$-Laplace operator, Picone’s identit, Sturmian comparison theore, Monotonicity of the eigenvalu, Hardy’s inequalit


UDC 517.9
We prove a nonlinear analogue of Picone's identity for $\Delta_{\gamma}$-Laplace operator.
As an application, we give a Hardy type inequality and Sturmian comparison principle.
We also show the strict monotonicity of the principle eigenvalue and degenerate elliptic system.



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How to Cite
LuyenD. T. “Picone’s Identity for $\Delta_{\gamma}$-Laplace Operator and Its Applications”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 73, no. 4, Apr. 2021, pp. 515 -22, doi:10.37863/umzh.v73i4.639.
Research articles