Quaternionic fractional Fourier transform for Boehmians

  • R. Roopkumar Central Univ. Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, India
Keywords: Fractional Fourier transform, quaternion valued functions, convolution, Boehmians


UDC 517.9

We construct a Boehmian space of quaternion valued functions using the quaternionic fractional convolution. Applying the convolution theorem, the quaternionic fractional Fourier transform is extended to the context of Boehmians and its properties are established.


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How to Cite
RoopkumarR. “Quaternionic Fractional Fourier Transform for Boehmians”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 72, no. 6, June 2020, pp. 812-21, doi:10.37863/umzh.v72i6.649.
Research articles