Sharp initial coefficient bounds and the Fekete–Szegö problem for some certain subclasses of analytic and bi-univalent functions

  • A. B. Patil AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune, India
  • T. G. Shaba Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria
Keywords: Analytic function, Univalent function, Bi-univalent function, Starlike function, Bazilevic function, Fekete-Szego functional


UDC 517.5

We introduce two new subclasses UΣ(α,λ) and B1Σ(α) of analytic bi-univalent functions defined in the open unit disk U, which are associated with the Bazilevich functions.  In addition, for functions that belong to these subclasses, we obtain sharp bounds for the initial Taylor–Maclaurin coefficients a2 and a3, as well as the sharp estimate for the Fekete–Szegö functional a3μa22.


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How to Cite
Patil, A. B., and T. G. Shaba. “Sharp Initial Coefficient Bounds and the Fekete–Szegö Problem for Some Certain Subclasses of Analytic and Bi-Univalent Functions”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 75, no. 2, Mar. 2023, pp. 198 -06, doi:10.37863/umzh.v75i2.6602.
Research articles