Legendre superconvergent degenerate kernel and Nyström methods for nonlinear integral equations

  • C. Allouch University Mohammed I, FPN, MSC Team, LAMAO Laboratory, Nador, Morocco)
  • M. Arrai University Mohammed I, FPN, MSC Team, LAMAO Laboratory, Nador, Morocco
  • H. Bouda University Mohammed I, FPN, MSC Team, LAMAO Laboratory, Nador, Morocco
  • M. Tahrichi University Mohammed I, ESTO, ANAA Team, ANO Laboratory, Oujda, Morocco
Keywords: Hammerstein equation, Urysohn equation, Degenerate kernel method, Nystr¨om method, Interpolatory projection, Legendre polynomial, Superconvergence.


UDC 517.9

We study polynomially based superconvergent collocation methods for the approximation of solutions of nonlinear integral equations. The superconvergent degenerate kernel method is chosen for approximating the solutions of Hammerstein equations, while a superconvergent Nystr\"om method is used for solving Urysohn equations. By applying  interpolatory projections based on Legendre polynomials of degree $\leq n,$ we analyze the superconvergence of these methods and their iterated versions.  Numerical results are presented to validate the theoretical results.


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How to Cite
Allouch, C., M. Arrai, H. Bouda, and M. Tahrichi. “Legendre Superconvergent Degenerate Kernel and Nyström Methods for Nonlinear Integral Equations”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 75, no. 5, May 2023, pp. 579 -5, doi:10.37863/umzh.v75i5.7039.
Research articles