Practical semiglobal uniform exponential stability of nonlinear nonautonomous systems
UDC 517.9
We solve the following twofold problem: In the first part, we deduce Lyapunov sufficient conditions for practical uniform exponential stability of nonlinear perturbed systems under different conditions for the perturbed term. The second part presents a converse Lyapunov theorem for the notion of semiglobal uniform exponential stability for parametrized nonlinear time-varying systems. We establish the possibility of application of a perturbed parametrized system, by using Lyapunov theory, to the investigation of the robustness properties that may provide practical semiglobal uniform exponential stability with respect to perturbations.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Abir Kicha, Mohamed Ali Hammami, Imad-Eddine Abbes

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