Approximation of the classes $W^{r}_{\beta,\infty}$ by generalized Abel-Poisson integrals

Keywords: generalized Abel-Poisson integral, Weil-Nagy classes, asymptotic equality, uniform metric


UDC 517.5I

We study the approximative properties of generalized Abel–Poisson integrals $P_{\gamma}(\delta),$ $0<\gamma\leq2,$ on the Weil–Nagy classes $W^{r}_{\beta,\infty}$ under the condition $0<r\leq\gamma$ in the uniform metric.


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How to Cite
Kal’chukI. V., and KharkevychY. I. “Approximation of the Classes $W^{r}_{\beta,\infty}$ by Generalized Abel-Poisson Integrals”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 74, no. 4, May 2022, pp. 507 -15, doi:10.37863/umzh.v74i4.7164.
Research articles