Univalence criteria for locally univalent analytic functions
UDC 517.5
Suppose that $p(z)=1+z\phi''(z)/\phi'(z),$ where $\phi(z)$ is a locally univalent analytic function in the unit disk $\mathbf{D}$ with $\phi(0)=\phi'(1)-1=0.$ We establish the lower and upper bounds for the best constants $\sigma_{0}$ and $\sigma_{1}$ such that $e^{-\sigma_{0}/2}<|p(z)|<e^{\sigma_{0}/2}$ and $|p(w)/p(z)|<e^{\sigma_{1}}$ for $z,w\in\mathbf{D},$ respectively, imply the univalence of $\phi(z)$ in $\mathbf{D}.$
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Copyright (c) 2023 Zhenyong Hu, Jinhua Fan, Xiaoyuan Wang

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