On the equivalence of polynomial matrices over a field
UDC 512.64
The polynomial $(n\times n)$ matrices $A(\lambda )$ and $B(\lambda)$ over a field ${\mathbb F}$ are called semiscalar equivalent if there exists a nonsingular $(n\times n)$ matrix $P$ over ${\mathbb F}$ and an invertible $(n\times n)$ polynomial matrix $Q(\lambda )$ over ${\mathbb F[\lambda}]$ such that $A(\lambda ) = PB(\lambda )Q(\lambda )$. We establish conditions under which nonsingular polynomial matrices $A(\lambda )$ and $B(\lambda )$ are semiscalar equivalent. As a consequence, we present the conditions of equivalence and similarity of two sets of $(n\times n)$ matrices over an arbitrary field ${\mathbb F}.$
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