On the scattering problem and problem of recovery of the shape of a graph

  • O. Boyko Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, Odesa
  • O. Martynyuk Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, Odesa
  • V. Pivovarchik Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, Odesa; University of Vaasa, Finland
Keywords: Sturm-Liouville equation, eigenvalue, equilateral tree, star graph, Dirichlet boundary condition, Neumann boundary condition, lead, S-function, asymptotics.


UDC 517.9

We consider a scattering problem generated by the Sturm–Liouville equation on a tree formed by an equilateral compact subtree with a lead (a half-infinite edge) attached to this compact subtree.  It is assumed that the potential on the lead by is identically equal to zero and the potentials on finite edges are real $L_2$-functions.  We show how to determine the shape of the tree by using the S-function and the eigenvalues of the scattering problem. 


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How to Cite
BoykoO., MartynyukO., and PivovarchikV. “On the Scattering Problem and Problem of Recovery of the Shape of a Graph”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 76, no. 8, Sept. 2024, pp. 1120 -31, doi:10.3842/umzh.v76i8.8151.
Research articles