Conditions of unique solvability for the inverse problems in controlled dynamical systems

  • A. M. Kovalev Ин-т прикл. математики и механики АН Украины, Донецк
  • V. F. Shcherbak Ин-т прикл. математики и механики АН Украины, Донецк


Problems arising in the applications of control theory of dynamical systems, when part of the variables of the mathematical model of the system is unknown and is subject to determination from information on the output of the system, are considered. Fundamental among them are the observation and identification problems, when unknown are the state of the system and its parameters, respectively, and also the problem of inverting the system, in which one seeks the control. Based on an analysis of mappings that are generated by an extended measurement vector, conditions for the unique solvability of the afore–mentioned problems with respect to a single trajectory or a set of trajectories are obtained.


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How to Cite
KovalevA. M., and ShcherbakV. F. “Conditions of Unique Solvability for the Inverse Problems in Controlled Dynamical Systems”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 44, no. 10, Oct. 1992, pp. 1359-66,
Research articles