On the generalization of some Hermite – Hadamard inequalities for functions with convex absolute values of the second derivatives via fractional integrals

  • F. X. Chen


We provide a unified approach to getting Hermite – Hadamard inequalities for functions with convex absolute values of the second derivatives via the Riemann – Liouville integrals. Some particular inequalities generalizing the classical results, such as the trapezoid inequality, Simpson’s inequality, and midpoint inequality are also presented.
How to Cite
ChenF. X. “On the Generalization of Some Hermite – Hadamard Inequalities for Functions With Convex Absolute Values of the Second Derivatives via Fractional Integrals”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 70, no. 12, Dec. 2018, pp. 1696-0, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/1668.
Research articles