Two-Term Differential Equations with Matrix Distributional Coefficients

  • O. O. Konstantinov


We propose a regularization of the formal differential expression l(y)=imy(m)(t)+q(t)y(t),t(a,b), of order m2 with matrix distribution q. It is assumed that q=Q([m/2]), where Q=(Qi,j)si,j=1 is a matrix function with entries Qi,jϵL2[a,b] if m is even and Qi,jϵL1[a,b], otherwise. In the case of a Hermitian matrix q, we describe self-adjoint, maximal dissipative, and maximal accumulative extensions of the associated minimal operator and its generalized resolvents.
How to Cite
Konstantinov, O. O. “Two-Term Differential Equations With Matrix Distributional Coefficients”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 67, no. 5, May 2015, pp. 625–634,
Research articles