Weighted Estimates for Multilinear Commutators of Marcinkiewicz Integrals with Bounded Kernel

  • Qingguo Liu
  • Jianglong Wu


Let \( {\mu}_{\varOmega, \overrightarrow{b}} \) be a multilinear commutator generalized by the n-dimensional Marcinkiewicz integral with bounded kernel μ Ώ and let \( {b}_j\ \in Os{c_{\exp}}_{L^{r_j}} \) , 1 ≤ jm. We prove the following weighted inequalities for ωA and 0 < p < ∞: $$ {\begin{array}{cc}\hfill {\left\Vert {\mu}_{\varOmega }(f)\right\Vert}_{L^p\left(\omega \right)}\le C{\left\Vert M(f)\right\Vert}_{L^p\left(\omega \right)},\hfill & \hfill \left\Vert {\mu}_{\varOmega, \overrightarrow{b}}(f)\right\Vert \hfill \end{array}}_{L^p\left(\omega \right)}\le C{\left\Vert {M}_{L{\left( \log L\right)}^{1/r}}(f)\right\Vert}_{L^p\left(\omega \right)}. $$

The weighted weak L(log L)1/r -type estimate is also established for p =1 and ωA 1.

How to Cite
LiuQ., and WuJ. “Weighted Estimates for Multilinear Commutators of Marcinkiewicz Integrals With Bounded Kernel”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 66, no. 4, Apr. 2014, pp. 538–550, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/2156.
Research articles