Solvability of the First Boundary-Value Problem for the Heat-Conduction Equation with Nonlinear Sources and Strong Power Singularities

  • O. Yu. Chmyr


By using the Schauder principle and the principle of contracting mappings, we study the character of point power singularities for the solution of the generalized first boundary-value problem for the heat-conduction equation with nonlinear boundary conditions. We establish sufficient conditions for the solvability of the analyzed problem.
How to Cite
ChmyrO. Y. “Solvability of the First Boundary-Value Problem for the Heat-Conduction Equation With Nonlinear Sources and Strong Power Singularities”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 65, no. 10, Oct. 2013, pp. 1388–1407,
Research articles