Boundary behavior of ring <em class="EmphasisTypeItalic ">Q</em>-homeomorphisms in metric spaces

  • E. S. Smolovaya


We investigate the problem of extension of so-called ring Q-homeomorphisms between domains in metric spaces with measures to the boundary. We establish conditions for the function Q(x) and the boundary of the domain under which any ring Q-homeomorphism admits a continuous or a homeomorphic extension to the boundary. The results are applicable, in particular, to Riemannian manifolds, Löwner spaces, and Carnot and Heisenberg groups.
How to Cite
SmolovayaE. S. “Boundary Behavior of Ring <em class="EmphasisTypeItalic ">Q</Em&gt;-Homeomorphisms in Metric Spaces”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 62, no. 5, May 2010, pp. 682–689,
Research articles