Analog of the Cayley–Sylvester formula and the Poincaré series for an algebra of invariants of ternary form

  • L. P. Bedratyuk Хмельниц. нац. ун-т


An explicit formula is obtained for the number $ν_d(n)$ of linearly independent homogeneous invariants of degree $n$ of a ternary form of order $d$. A formula for the Poincaré series of the algebra of invariants of the ternary form is also deduced.
How to Cite
Bedratyuk, L. P. “Analog of the Cayley–Sylvester Formula and the Poincaré Series for an Algebra of Invariants of Ternary Form”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 62, no. 11, Nov. 2010, pp. 1561–1570,
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