Groups with weak maximality condition for nonnilpotent subgroups

  • L. A. Kurdachenko
  • N. N. Semko


A group $G$ satisfies the weak maximality condition for nonnilpotent subgroups or, shortly, the condition Wmax-(non-nil), if $G$does not possess the infinite ascending chains $\{H_n | n \in N\}$ of nonnilpotent subgroups such that the indexes $|H_{n+i} :\; H_n |$ are infinite for all $n \in N$. In the present paper, we study the structure of hypercentral groups satisfying the weak maximality condition for nonnilpotent subgroups.
How to Cite
KurdachenkoL. A., and SemkoN. N. “Groups With Weak Maximality Condition for Nonnilpotent Subgroups”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 58, no. 8, Aug. 2006, pp. 1068–1083,
Research articles