Estimate for the Best Approximation of Summable Functions of Several Variables with a Certain Symmetry of Fourier Coefficients

  • T. O. Kononovych


An upper bound for the best approximation of summable functions of several variables by trigonometric polynomials in the metric of L is determined in terms of Fourier coefficients. We consider functions representable by trigonometric series with certain symmetry of coefficients satisfying a multiple analog of the Sidon–Telyakovskii conditions.
How to Cite
KononovychT. O. “Estimate for the Best Approximation of Summable Functions of Several Variables With a Certain Symmetry of Fourier Coefficients”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 55, no. 8, Aug. 2003, pp. 1138-42,
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