Infinitesimal Rotary Deformations of Surfaces and Their Application to the Theory of Elastic Shells

  • S. G. Leiko
  • Yu. S. Fedchenko


We present a variational generalization of the problem of infinitesimal geodesic deformations of surfaces in the Euclidean space E 3. By virtue of rotary deformation, the image of every geodesic curve is an isoperimetric extremal of rotation (in the principal approximation). The results are associated in detail with rotary-conformal deformations. The application of these results to the mechanics of elastic shells is given.
How to Cite
LeikoS. G., and FedchenkoY. S. “Infinitesimal Rotary Deformations of Surfaces and Their Application to the Theory of Elastic Shells”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 55, no. 12, Dec. 2003, pp. 1697-03,
Research articles