Elementary Representations of the Group B0 of Upper-Triangular Matrices Infinite in Both Directions. I

  • O. V. Kosyak


We define so-called “elementary representations” TR,µp,p, of the group B0 of finite upper-triangular matrices infinite in both directions by using quasi-invariant measures on certain homogeneous spaces and give a criterion for the irreducibility and equivalence of the representations constructed. We also give a criterion for the irreducibility of the tensor product of finitely many and infinitely many elementary representations.
How to Cite
Kosyak, O. V. “Elementary Representations of the Group B0 of Upper-Triangular Matrices Infinite in Both Directions. I”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 54, no. 2, Feb. 2002, pp. 205-16, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/4056.
Research articles