On Piecewise-Constant Approximation of Continuous Functions of n Variables in Integral Metrics

  • S. A. Bel'skii


We consider the approximation by piecewise-constant functions for classes of functions of many variables defined by moduli of continuity of the form ω(δ1, ..., δ n ) = ω11) + ... + ω n n ), where ω i i ) are ordinary moduli of continuity that depend on one variable. In the case where ω i i ) are convex upward, we obtain exact error estimates in the following cases: (i) in the integral metric L 2 for ω(δ1, ..., δ n ) = ω11) + ... + ω n n ); (ii) in the integral metric L p (p ≥ 1) for ω(δ1, ..., δ n ) = c 1δ1 + ... + c nδ n ; (iii) in the integral metric L (2, ..., 2, 2r) (r = 2, 3, ...) for ω(δ1, ..., δ n ) = ω11) + ... + ω n − 1 n − 1) + c nδ n .
How to Cite
Bel’skii, S. A. “On Piecewise-Constant Approximation of Continuous Functions of N Variables in Integral Metrics”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 54, no. 3, Mar. 2002, pp. 293-0, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/4066.
Research articles