Solutions of Weakly-Perturbed Linear Systems Bounded on the Entire Axis

  • А. A. Boichuk
  • О. A. Boichuk
  • A. M. Samoilenko


We establish conditions under which solutions of weakly-perturbed systems of linear ordinary differential equations bounded on the entire axis R emerge from the point ε = 0 in the case where the corresponding unperturbed homogeneous linear differential system is exponentially dichotomous on the semiaxes R + and R .
How to Cite
BoichukА. A., BoichukО. A., and SamoilenkoA. M. “Solutions of Weakly-Perturbed Linear Systems Bounded on the Entire Axis”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 54, no. 11, Nov. 2002, pp. 1517-30,
Research articles