Inequalities of Different Metrics for Differentiable Periodic Functions, Polynomials, and Splines
We obtain new inequalities of different metrics for differentiable periodic functions. In particular, for p, q ∈ (0, ∞], q > p, and s ∈ [p, q], we prove that functions \(x \in L_\infty ^{{\text{ }}r}\) satisfy the unimprovable inequality $$|| (x-c_{s+1} (x))_{\pm} ||_q \leqslant \frac{|| (\phi_r)_{\pm} ||_q}{|| \phi_r ||_p^{\frac{r+1/q}{r+1/p}}} || x-c_{s+1}(x) ||_p^{\frac{r+1/q}{r+1/P}} || x^(r) ||_\infty^{\frac{1/p-1/q}{r+1/p}},$$ where ϕ r is the perfect Euler spline of order r and c s + 1(x) is the constant of the best approximation of the function x in the space L s + 1. By using the inequality indicated, we obtain a new Bernstein-type inequality for trigonometric polynomials τ whose degree does not exceed n, namely, $$|| (\tau^(k))_{\pm} ||_q \leqslant n^{k+1/p-1/q} \frac{|| (\cos(\cdot))_{\pm} ||_q}{|| \cos(\cdot) ||_p} || \tau ||_p,$$ where k ∈ N, p ∈ (0, 1], and q ∈ [1, ∞]. We also consider other applications of the inequality indicated.
How to Cite
Kofanov, V. A. “Inequalities of Different Metrics for Differentiable Periodic Functions, Polynomials, and Splines”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 53, no. 5, May 2001, pp. 597-09,
Research articles