On generalized local time for the process of brownian motion

  • V. V. Вакип


We prove that the functionals \(\delta _\Gamma (B_t ) and \frac{{\partial ^k }}{{\partial x_1^k ...\partial x_d^{k_d } }}\delta _\Gamma (B_t ), k_1 + ... + k_d = k > 1,\) of a d-dimensional Brownian process are Hida distributions, i.e., generalized Wiener functionals. Here, δΓ(·) is a generalization of the δ-function constructed on a bounded closed smooth surface Γ⊂R d , k≥1 and acting on finite continuous functions φ(·) in R d according to the rule \((\delta _\Gamma ,\varphi ) : = \int\limits_\Gamma {\varphi (x} )\lambda (dx),\) where ι(·) is a surface measure on Γ.
How to Cite
ВакипV. V. “On Generalized Local Time for the Process of Brownian Motion”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 52, no. 2, Feb. 2000, pp. 157-64, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/4405.
Research articles