Methods for derivation of the stochastic Boltzmann hierarchy
We consider different methods for the derivation of the stochastic Boltzmann hierarchy corresponding to the stochastic dynamics that is the Boltzmann-Grad limit of the Hamiltonian dynamics of hard spheres. Solutions of the stochastic Boltzmann hierarchy are the Boltzmann-Grad limit of solutions of the BBGKY hierarchy of hard spheres in the entire phase space. A new concept of reduced distribution functions corresponding to the stochastic dynamics are introduced. They take into account the contribution of the hyperplanes of lower dimension where stochastic point particles interact with one another. The solutions of the Boltzmann equation coincide with one-particle distribution functions of the stochastic Boltzmann hierarchy and are represented by integrals over the hyperplanes where the stochastic point particles interact with one another.
How to Cite
Petrina, D. Y. “Methods for Derivation of the Stochastic Boltzmann Hierarchy”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 52, no. 4, Apr. 2000, pp. 474-91,
Research articles