Construction of an analytic solution for one class of Langevin-type equations with orthogonal random actions

  • V. A. Dubko
  • E. V. Chalykh


We find an analytic representation of a solution of the Itô-Langevin equations in R 3 with orthogonal random actions with respect to the vector of the solution. We construct a stochastic process to which the integral of the solution weakly converges as a small positive parameter with the derivative in the equation tends to zero.
How to Cite
DubkoV. A., and ChalykhE. V. “Construction of an Analytic Solution for One Class of Langevin-Type Equations With Orthogonal Random Actions”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 50, no. 4, Apr. 1998, pp. 588–589,
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