Qualitative analysis of the influence of random perturbations of “white-noise” type applied along the vector of phase velocity on a harmonic oscillator with friction
We consider representations in the phase plane for the harmonic oscillator with friction under random perturbations applied along the vector of phase velocity. We investigate the behavior of the amplitude, phase, and total energy of the damped oscillator.
How to Cite
Kulinich, G. L. “Qualitative Analysis of the Influence of Random Perturbations of ‘white-noise’ Type Applied Along the Vector of Phase Velocity on a Harmonic Oscillator With Friction”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 49, no. 1, Jan. 1997, pp. 35–46, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/4985.
Research articles