On the existence of a measurable function with given values of the best approximations in L0

  • S. A. Pichugov Днепропетр. нац. ун-т ж.-д. трансп.


In the space of convergence in measure, we study the Bernstein problem of existence of a function with given values of the best approximations by a system of finite-dimensional subspaces strictly imbedded in one another.
How to Cite
Pichugov, S. A. “On the Existence of a Measurable Function With Given Values of the Best Approximations in L0”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 48, no. 8, Aug. 1996, pp. 1080-5, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/5251.
Research articles