One version of the Linearized theory of nonstationary boundary-value problems with free boundary
We analyze the principle of linearization and linear boundary-value problems obtained by using this principle in the nonlinear theory of motion for a bounded volume of liquid with free surface subjected to the action of a nonstationary oscillating load. We formulate and study the problem of vibrocapillary equilibrium state, spectral problems in the theory of linear waves, and problems of stability of equilibrium states, including the problem of bifurcation of equilibrium states.
How to Cite
Lukovsky, I. O., and A. N. Timokha. “One Version of the Linearized Theory of Nonstationary Boundary-Value Problems With Free Boundary”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 48, no. 6, June 1996, pp. 791-04,
Research articles