Reduction of the multidimensional d’Alembert equation to two-dimensional equations

  • A. F. Barannyk
  • L. F. Barannik
  • V. I. Fushchich


We give a classification of the maximal subalgebras of rank $n - 1$ for the extended Poincare algebra $A\bar P (1.n)$, which is realized on the set of solutions of the d'Alembeit equation $\square u + \lambda u^k = 0$. These subalgebras are used for constructing the anzatses reducing this equation to differential equations with two invariant variables.
How to Cite
BarannykA. F., BarannikL. F., and FushchichV. I. “Reduction of the Multidimensional d’Alembert Equation to Two-Dimensional Equations”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 46, no. 6, June 1994, pp. 651–662,
Research articles