Density and capacity of balleans generated by filters

  • A. Brzeska Inst. Math., Univ. Silesia, Katowice, Poland
Keywords: ballean, ballean-lter mix, ballean-ideal mix


UDC 519.51

We consider a ballean $\mathbb B=(X,P,B)$ with an infinite support $X$ and a free filter $\phi$ on $X$ and define $B_{P\times\phi}(x,(\alpha,F))$ for every $\alpha\in P$ and $F\in \phi.$ The ballean $(X,P\times\phi, B_{P\times\phi})$ will be called the ballean-filter mix of $\mathbb B$ and $\phi$ and denoted by $\mathbb B(B,\phi).$ It was introduced in [O. V. Petrenko, I. V. Protasov, Balleans and filters, Mat. Stud., 38, No. 1, 3–11 (2012)] and was used to construction of a non-metrizable Frechet group ballean. In this paper some cardinal invariants are compared. In particular, we give a partial answer to the question: if we mix an ordinal unbounded ballean with a free filter of the subsets of its support, will the mix-structure's density be equal to its capacity, as it holds in the original balleans?

Author Biography

A. Brzeska, Inst. Math., Univ. Silesia, Katowice, Poland

Institute of Mathematics, University of Silesia, Bankowa 14, 40-007 Katowice


I. V. Protasov, Cellularity and density of balleans, Appl. General Topology, 8, № 2, 283 – 291 (2007), DOI:

O. V. Petrenko, I. V. Protasov, Balleans and filters, Mat. Stud., 38, № 1, 3 – 11 (2012). DOI:

I. V. Protasov, Coronas of balleans, Topology and Appl., 149, 149 – 160 (2005), DOI:

I. Protasov, M. Zarichnyi, General asymptology, Math. Stud. Monogr. Ser., 12, VNTL Publ., Lviv (2007).

How to Cite
Brzeska, A. “Density and Capacity of Balleans Generated by Filters”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 73, no. 4, Apr. 2021, pp. 467 -3, doi:10.37863/umzh.v73i4.648.
Research articles