Monotone generalized $\alpha$-nonexpansive mappings on $C\kern-1ptAT_{p}(0)$ spaces

  • Emirhan Hacıoǧlu Department of Mathematics, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey
  • Faik Gürsoy Department of Mathematics, Adıyaman University, Turkey
  • Abdul Rahim Khan Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Pakistan
Keywords: $CAT_{p}(0)$ spaces, Monotone Generalized $\alpha -$Non-expansive Mappings, Iterative algorithms, Strong convergence, $\Delta -$convergence


UDC 517.5

We examine the existence of fixed points of generalized $\alpha $-nonexpansive mappings on $C\kern-1ptAT_{p}(0)$ spaces.  We establish various convergence results for a newly defined algorithm associated with  $\alpha $-nonexpansive mappings.  We present some illustrative examples to show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm and to support the above-mentioned results.  We also define monotone generalized $\alpha $-nonexpansive mappings and prove some existence and convergence results for these mappings.


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How to Cite
HacıoǧluE., GürsoyF., and KhanA. R. “Monotone Generalized $\alpha$-Nonexpansive Mappings on $C\kern-1ptAT_{p}(0)$ Spaces”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 75, no. 7, July 2023, pp. 970 -86, doi:10.37863/umzh.v75i7.7188.
Research articles