Bounds on the parameters of non-$L$-borderenergetic graphs

  • Cahit Dede Department of Mathematics, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey
  • Ayşe Dilek Maden Department of Mathematics, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey
Keywords: Graph energy, Laplacian matrix, borderenergetic graph, Zagreb index


UDC 519.17

We consider graphs such that their Laplacian energy is equivalent to the Laplacian energy of the complete graph of the same order, which is called an $L$-borderenergetic graph. Firstly, we study the graphs with degree sequence consisting of at most three distinct integers and give new bounds for the number of vertices of these graphs to be non-$L$-borderenergetic. Second, by using Koolen–Moulton and McClelland inequalities, we give new bounds for the number of edges of a non-$L$-borderenergetic graph. Third, we use recent bounds given by Milovanovic, et al. on Laplacian energy to get similar conditions for non-$L$-borderenergetic graphs. Our bounds depend only on the degree sequence of a graph, which is much easier than computing the spectrum of the graph. In other words, we developed a faster approach to exclude non-$L$-borderenergetic graphs.


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How to Cite
Dede, C., and A. D. Maden. “Bounds on the Parameters of Non-$L$-Borderenergetic Graphs”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 75, no. 9, Sept. 2023, pp. 1220 -36, doi:10.3842/umzh.v75i9.7243.
Research articles