Splitting of two-point boundary problem appearing in the theory of optimal control

  • G. A. Kurina Воронеж. лесотехн. ин-т


In a Hilbert space a two-point boundary-value problem is considered that arises during the minimization of a linear quadratic functional on the trajectories of a linear equation with the operator A + εB invertible for sufficiently small ε >0 for the derivative, where A is a Fredholm operator and all B-Jordan chains of the operator A have the same length. It is proved that we can asymptotically split the problem under consideration into a regularly perturbed boundary-value problem and two singularity perturbed Cauchy problems.


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How to Cite
Kurina G. A. “Splitting of Two-Point Boundary Problem Appearing in the Theory of Optimal Control”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 44, no. 5, May 1992, pp. 704-9, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/7969.
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