Existence of normal complement to the Hall subgroup

  • A. V. Romanovsky Гомел. отд-ние Ин-та математики АН Беларуси
  • A. V. Sementovsky Гомел. отд-ние Ин-та математики АН Беларуси


A sufficient condition is obtained for the existence of a normal complement of a Hall subgroup, depending on the degrees of a specific set of irreducible characters of the group.


Gajendragadkar D. A. Characteristic Class of Characters of Finite π-Separable groups// J. Algebra.— 1979.— 59.— P. 237—259.

Isaacs I. M. Characters of л-separable groups// Ibid.— 1984.— 86.— P. 98—128.

Isaacs I. M. Character theory of finite groups.— New York : Acad, press, 1976.— 303 p.

Thompson J. G. Normal p-complements and irreducible characters //J. Algebra.—1970.— 14.— P. 129—134.

Isaacs I. M. Fong characters in л-separable groups // Ibid.— 1986.— 99.— P. 89—107.

Huppert B. Endliche Gruppen.— Berlin etc.: Springer, 1967.— Bd. 1.— 793 p.

How to Cite
Romanovsky , A. V., and A. V. Sementovsky. “Existence of Normal Complement to the Hall Subgroup ”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 44, no. 6, July 1992, pp. 851-3, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/8023.
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