Groups of order $p^4$ as additive groups of local near-rings

  • I. Raievska University of Warsaw, Poland; Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • M. Raievska University of Warsaw, Poland; Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Keywords: Local nearring, Nearring with identity, non-abelian group


UDC 512.6

Near-rings can be considered as a generalization of associative rings. In general, a near-ring is a ring $(R,+,\cdot)$ in which the operation $``+"$ is not necessarily Abelian and at least one distributive law holds. A near-ring with identity is called local if the set of all invertible elements forms a subgroup of the additive group. In particular, every group is an additive group of some near-ring but not of a near-ring with identity. Finding non-Abelian finite $p$-groups that are additive groups of local near-rings is an open problem.

We considered groups of nilpotency class $2$ and $3$ of order $p^4$ as additive groups of local near-rings in\linebreak {\sf\scriptsize [} and {\sf\scriptsize]}. It was shown that, for $p>3,$ there exist local near-rings on one of  four nonisomorphic groups of nilpotency class $3$ of order $p^4$. In the present paper, we continue our investigation of the groups of nilpotency class $3$ of order $p^4$. In particular, it is shown that another group of this class is an additive group of a local near-ring and, hence, of a near-ring with identity.  Examples of local near-rings on this group have been constructed in the GAP computer algebra system.


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How to Cite
Raievska, I., and M. Raievska. “Groups of Order $p^4$ As Additive Groups of Local Near-Rings”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 76, no. 6, July 2024, pp. 890–906, doi:10.3842/umzh.v76i5.8053.
Research articles