Discrete models on one-dimensional net with the preset Lie algebra of symmetries

  • A. I. Balinsky Ін-т прикл. пробл. механіки і математики АН України, Львів


Poisson realizations of the classical YBZF-algebras are constructed from special examples using the simplest rational solution of the classical Yang-Baxter equation, the Poisson realization of a Lie algebra, the moment mapping, and a generalization of L-operators. Sufficient conditions under which additional constraints on the image of the moment mapping are satisfied are established.


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How to Cite
Balinsky , A. I. “Discrete Models on One-Dimensional Net With the Preset Lie Algebra of Symmetries”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 44, no. 9, Oct. 1992, pp. 1170-4, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/8165.
Research articles