Sets of singular points of actions of finite groups by $(S^n)^k$

  • L. P. Plakhta Ін-т прикл. пробл. механіки і математики АН України, Львів


Realizations of integral $D_3$-modules of rank 2 on $(S^n)^k$  for the dihedral groups $D_3$ are studied. Cohomologies of the sets of the singular points of the actions of the semidirect products $\mathbb Z / p \rightthreetimes \mathbb Z / q$ and the quaternion groups $Q$  on $(S^n)^k$  are investigated.


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How to Cite
Plakhta L. P. “Sets of Singular Points of Actions of Finite Groups by $(S^n)^k$”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 44, no. 9, Oct. 1992, pp. 1233-8,
Research articles