On the locally nilpotent groups with a centralisator of the finite rank

  • V.A. Onishchuk Ин-т математики АН Украины, Киев


Locally nilpotent groups in which the centralizer of some finitely generated subgroup has finite rank are studied. It is shown that if G is such a group and F is a finitely generated subgroup with centralizer CG(F) of finite rank, then the centralizer of the image of F in the factor group G/t(G) modulo the periodic part t(G) also has finite rank. It is also shown that G  is hypercentral when F is cyclic and either G  is torsion-free or all Sylow subgroups of the periodic part of CG(F) are finite.


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How to Cite
Onishchuk, V. “On the Locally Nilpotent Groups With a Centralisator of the Finite Rank ”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 44, no. 11, Nov. 1992, pp. 1511-7, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/8253.
Research articles