Limiting behaviour of the oscillatory system with the presence of random disturbances of parameters of this system. II

  • I. V. Skorokhod Ин-т гидромеханики АН УССР, Киев


The asymptotic behavior is studied of the solution of a second-order linear system in the presence of random perturbations represented by an ergodic Markov process with a finite state space. The case is investigated when the averaged system describes a simple harmonic oscillation.


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How to Cite
Skorokhod, I. V. “Limiting Behaviour of the Oscillatory System With the Presence of Random Disturbances of Parameters of This System. II ”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 42, no. 6, June 1990, pp. 817-20,
Research articles