Grüss-type and Ostrowski-type inequalities in approximation theory

  • A.-M. Acu
  • H. Gonska Univ. Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • I. Ra¸sa Techn. Univ., Cluj-Napoca, Romania


We discuss the Grass inequalities on spaces of continuous functions defined on a compact metric space. Using the least concave majorant of the modulus of continuity, we obtain a Grass inequality for the functional $L(f) = H(f; x)$, where $H: C[a,b] \rightarrow C[a,b]$ is a positive linear operator and $x \in [a,b]$ is fixed. We apply this inequality in the case of known operators, for example, the Bernstein, Hermite-Fejer operator the interpolation operator, convolution-type operators. Moreover, we derive Grass-type inequalities using Cauchy's mean value theorem, thus generalizing results of Cebysev and Ostrowski. A Grass inequality on a compact metric space for more than two functions is given, and an analogous Ostrowski-type inequality is obtained. The latter in turn leads to one further version of Grass' inequality. In an appendix, we prove a new result concerning the absolute first-order moments of the classical Hermite-Fejer operator.
How to Cite
AcuA.-M., GonskaH., and Ra¸saI. “Grüss-Type and Ostrowski-Type Inequalities in Approximation Theory”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 63, no. 6, June 2011, pp. 723-40,
Research articles