Classical solvability of a problem with moving boundaries for a hyperbolic system of quasilinear equations
Using the method of characteristics and the method of contracting mappings, we establish the local classical solvability of a problem for a hyperbolic system of quasilinear first-order equations with moving boundaries and nonlinear boundary conditions. Under additional assumptions on the monotonicity and sign constancy of initial data and a restriction on the growth of the right-hand sides of the system, we formulate sufficient conditions for the global classical solvability of the problem.
How to Cite
Andrusyak, R. V., N. O. Burdeina, and V. M. Kirilich. “Classical Solvability of a Problem With Moving Boundaries for a Hyperbolic System of Quasilinear Equations”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 61, no. 7, July 2009, pp. 867-91,
Research articles