On the order of growth of solutions of algebraic differential equations

  • A. Z. Mokhonko
  • V. D. Mokhonko


Assume that $f$ is an integer transcendental solution of the differential equation $P_n(z,f,f′)=P_{n−1}(z,f,f′,...,f(p))),$ $P_n, P_{n−1}$ are polynomials in all the variables, the order of $P_n$ with respect to $f$ and $f′$ is equal to $n$, and the order of $P_{n−1}$ with respect to $f, f′, ... f(p)$ is at most $n−1$. We prove that the order $ρ$ of growth of $f$ satisfies the relation $12 ≤ ρ < ∞$. We also prove that if $ρ = 1/2$, then, for some real $η$, in the domain $\{z: η < \arg z < η+2π\} E∗$, where $E∗$ is some set of disks with the finite sum of radii, the estimate $\ln f(z) = z^{1/2}(β+o(1)),\; β ∈ C$, is true (here, $z=\re i^{φ}, r ≥ r(φ) ≥ 0$, and if $z = \text{re } i^{φ}, r ≥ r(φ) ≥ 0$ and, on a ray $\{z: \arg z=η\}$, the relation $\ln |f(\text{re } i^{η})| = o(r^{1/2}), \; r → +∞,\; r > 0, r \bar \in \Delta$, holds, where $Δ$ is some set on the semiaxis $r > 0$ with mes $Δ < ∞$.
How to Cite
MokhonkoA. Z., and MokhonkoV. D. “On the Order of Growth of Solutions of Algebraic Differential Equations”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 51, no. 1, Jan. 1999, pp. 69–77, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/4584.
Research articles