Investigation of a nonlinear difference equation in a Banach space in a neighborhood of a quasiperiodic solution

  • A. M. Samoilenko
  • V. E. Slyusarchuk
  • V. V. Slyusarchuk


We investigate the behavior of a diserete dynamical system in a neighborhood of a quasiperiodic trajeetory for the case of an infinite-dimensional Banach space We find conditions sufficient for the system considered to reduce, in such a neighborhood, to a system with quasiperiodic coefficients.
How to Cite
SamoilenkoA. M., SlyusarchukV. E., and SlyusarchukV. V. “Investigation of a Nonlinear Difference Equation in a Banach Space in a Neighborhood of a Quasiperiodic Solution”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 49, no. 12, Dec. 1997, pp. 1661–1676,
Research articles