Tame and wild subspace problems

  • Р. Gabriel
  • L. A. Nazarova
  • A. V. Roiter
  • V. V. Sergeychuk
  • D. Vossieck


Assume that $B$ is a finite-dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field $k$, $B_d = \text{Spec} k[B_d]$ is the affine algebraic scheme whose $R$-points are the $B ⊗_k k[B_d]$-module structures on $R^d$, and $M_d$ is a canonical $B ⊗_k k[B_d]$-module supported by $k[Bd^]d$. Further, say that an affine subscheme $Ν$ of $B_d$ isclass true if the functor $F_{gn} ∶ X → M_d ⊗_{k[B]} X$ induces an injection between the sets of isomorphism classes of indecomposable finite-dimensional modules over $k[Ν]$ and $B$. If $B_d$ contains a class-true plane for some $d$, then the schemes $B_e$ contain class-true subschemes of arbitrary dimensions. Otherwise, each $B_d$ contains a finite number of classtrue puncture straight lines $L(d, i)$ such that for eachn, almost each indecomposable $B$-module of dimensionn is isomorphic to some $F_{L(d, i)} (X)$; furthermore, $F_{L(d, i)} (X)$ is not isomorphic to $F_{L(l, j)} (Y)$ if $(d, i) ≠ (l, j)$ and $X ≠ 0$. The proof uses a reduction to subspace problems, for which an inductive algorithm permits us to prove corresponding statements.
How to Cite
GabrielР., NazarovaL. A., RoiterA. V., SergeychukV. V., and VossieckD. “Tame and Wild Subspace Problems”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 45, no. 3, Mar. 1993, pp. 313–352, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/5815.
Research articles